The month of February is a month we tend to focus on love as it is the month that St. Valentine is celebrated. This month and every other after that, let us focus on love and ramp it up with compassion. The best place to start, is with ourselves. Give yourself the love and compassion that you need and allow it to overflow to those around you. The last couple of years have been hard, and testing for so many. So many people suffering from pandemic burnout. This is why we need more love not less. More compassion, not less, more self awareness, not less, more self care, not less, and to be grounded, to be in our bodies. This is so we can shift through the changes of the planet, with ease and grace as we shift with her, adaption the changes in vibrational frequencies.
This year we are really being called to go even deeper within our and to discover and recognise who we are, without the limitations of the structures of society. It’s about going inwards, upwards and then onwards. We would also like to remind you that you’re more than just a body. Love needs to be looked at from the perspective of body, mind and soul. Remember that you are a soul having a human experience.
Love today, view everything through the filters of love and compassion. Step into your highest expression of who you are no matter what the outcome or the reason. Be authentically you. Love you.
As we move into the frequencies of the divine feminine, we look at nature and nurture. We look to love, we look to nourish, we look for a community of souls that we are in resonance with or have some form of interconnectedness or direction with. If this does not exist for you, build it. Call it in. Journal what this would look like for you. If you cannot envision it, then surrender it to the Universe to guide you for your highest good.
Now is the time to restructure things, to build a better future, a better society, to take care of the planet, for a better tomorrow. For you have been born to these current times to build a better tomorrow, a tomorrow that is filled with love and compassion and brings in the need for balance of life, work, love and growth.
Love and light,
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