August 2021 - The Power of Simplicity

We are being called to simplify our lives. Simplify life on a physical, emotional, physical and spiritual sense. Simplification brings freedom. Simplify  by opening up and being more of who we are.

Simplifying  our lives by decluttering all areas of our lives opens us up to going with the flow because when things are complicated we don’t have clarity. And when we don’t have clarity, we have anxiety and we have stress. We all know that anxiety and stress lead us to so many things because when are living in anxiety and stress it leads to depression and all sorts of other dis-ease and so on. Declutter and simplify on all levels. 

We are called to step away from the drama because simple is Freedom. Simple allows us to release control and go with the flow. And when we are going with the flow, we are allowing for all possible outcomes. Far too often we try to control the outcomes of life, of relationships, friendships and business. When we do this we end up capping the results whereas when we are in the flow we are able to capture more.

We are being called to simplify our lives.  We do this by releasing all of those things that are no longer in alignment. Dissolving all of the things that do not bring you joy or excitement into your lives.

Release control.

Simplify our lives.

Step into freedom.


50% Complete

Two Step

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