I've created quite a few reiki/akashic healing sessions lately that I’ve posted on YouTube and people who have been doing them over 3-7 days have started to notice big shifts within their bodies.
Today we are going to talk about what is NORMAL and what is EXPECTED, because if you are starting out on this journey it might be a little bit scary and it might deter you from continuing on with your healing.
Here are a few ways your healing can present itself.
Sometimes you might get nauseous and actually want to vomit. This is a very common way of clearing. My suggestion is to try to release if you can, allow it to leave your body with grace and love. Sometimes a release can happen in any area of your body.
You might also find that you have diarrhea or you feel you need to go to the washroom quite often. Whatever it may be, allow it to release. This is definitely a case where it’s definitely better out than in! Don't forget to drink plenty of...
The blueprints of realities are being written as we speak. They are being written with every choice and every decision that we make and don’t make.
Times are changing, and as a collective we have asked for these times. As a collective, WE have all asked for these changes. Therefore, we are always responsible for everything that is playing out in our reality. Change is required. The ‘normal’ we are all trying to get to, was toxic, is toxic, and it no longer exists in this current plain of reality. This ‘normal’ you want to get back to, is the same as a toxic relationship that one has endured for way too long. The abusive relationship that keeps you small and stuck, scared, unhappy, limiting and powerless.
Now is the time to welcome change. Change for the better world. Change for a better life. Change for conscious expansion.
So many have lost their way and these times of uncertainty are bringing us back to...
We are being called to simplify our lives. Simplify life on a physical, emotional, physical and spiritual sense. Simplification brings freedom. Simplify by opening up and being more of who we are.
Simplifying our lives by decluttering all areas of our lives opens us up to going with the flow because when things are complicated we don’t have clarity. And when we don’t have clarity, we have anxiety and we have stress. We all know that anxiety and stress lead us to so many things because when are living in anxiety and stress it leads to depression and all sorts of other dis-ease and so on. Declutter and simplify on all levels.
We are called to step away from the drama because simple is Freedom. Simple allows us to release control and go with the flow. And when we are going with the flow, we are allowing for all possible outcomes. Far too often we try to control the outcomes of life, of relationships, friendships and business. When we...
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