Today we are so excited to interview Natasha Mott. Natasha is the creator of Raising the Vibes Metaphysical Academy of Consciousness. Join us as learn a little bit about Natasha, her journey and what makes her really excited.
Natasha: I’ll try to keep it short and sweet. I was born into a family of 5th generation spiritualty and spiritual teachers. My grandfather had this underground school and worked with spirit in many different ways. I grew up in this family where it was all welcomed and encouraged and expanded on.
I never thought I could make a living doing this and helping others with my spirituality. My first job was working for working for an import-export company, where we did a lot of exports and it was quite technical at that sense. My dream was to travel. I have such a curiosity for culture and belief systems. I always knew that what people believed in determined their...
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