Raising the Vibes Blog

10 Reasons Why You Might Want to Work With the Akashic Records!

Why would you want to work within the Akashic Records? There are so many reasons. It can be a helpful tool on so many different levels! 


Holds Your Soul’s Blueprint!

The Akashic Record contains the blueprint for your soul. What is the blueprint of your soul? The blueprint of your soul is a map of yourself. This map displays your astrological signs, ancestry, passion, and purpose, as well as all of the contracts, deals, and agreements we have with people. It hosts every single thing you could think about pertaining to you. Having access to this will provide you with a great deal of clarity as to why your soul chose this path. 

Tap Into Your Creativity!

You can always use the records to help you tap into your creativity. For example, I frequently open the records to create a business plan and create the curriculum and workshops I want to host for Raising The Vibes (see  what’s coming up here). Use the records to help you get into that creative...

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