Dear light workers,
What is a light worker? We refer to light workers as anyone that anchors light onto this planet. Today we ask you to hold fast. To take time every day to check in. Check into your self. Do a scan of your mental, emotional and physical bodies, and then ask each aspect of yourself what do you need today? We need to support ourselves on a multi dimensional level as we are multi dimensional beings.
The planet is shifting and we along with it. Our systems are shifting to support the expansion and the ascension of the collective consciousness. As those around us are awakening, those that are already awake are also going through a more expansive awakening and getting to know themselves on a deeper level. Our nervous system‘s are calibrating to the energetic changes of the frequencies that we are aligned with. Some of you may be feeling tired and some of you have had past traumas and suppressed emotions resurface. We suggest that you rest when you...
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