Raising the Vibes Blog

Five Suggestions to Support the Lunar Eclipse Energies

Did you know that we are at the end of a two-year cycle with the partial lunar eclipse and the full Moon in Taurus taking place on October 28, 2023. Eclipses signify significant periods of change and transformation. And so many of us have been experiencing the effects of this.

There are two types of eclipses; one is a solar eclipse that is similar to a new moon energy, in the way that it opens the portal for new beginnings and opportunities for making the changes we so yearn for. The other is a lunar eclipse that acts more like full moon energy in that it  helps to complete cycles that we have been working on and they are an opportunity to conclude, to let go, to shift, or to shred the limitations we have been holding onto for so long.

Lunar eclipses tend to be more dramatic as they have a big effect on our emotional bodies. These eclipses allow old subconscious patterns and limitations to surface.  They tend to convey the truths we have been ignoring in a dramatic way...

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Timelines Explained in The Octopus Methodologyā„¢

I woke up at 3:00 AM in a cold sweat mid-August 2018 thinking “Holy Crap”, if time isn't linear and everything is happening all at once, have I been B.S.ing my clients with what I have been seeing in their Akashic Records? Worse still was the second thought that hit me: “Am I going mad? Has all the information I received from the Records all been in my mind?”
As you can imagine, as a frequent visitor to the Akashic Records I spend a lot of time in the past and, sometimes, the future. The Akashic Records, or the Spiritual Google as I like to refer to it, are as vast and as wide as the cosmos. My understanding is that past, present, and future, (as they relate to this lifetime) are all happening at once. Like a movie on DVD has a beginning, middle, and end, so too are the different aspects of this incarnation.
I was doing some work with my friend David Khan on discovering and working with parallel lives based on the work of E. J. Gold. I...
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