Raising the Vibes Blog

How to Harness Full Moon Energy 🌝

Ahhh, the full moon. This potent energy comes up every month for us to work with. The moon and her cycles has long been crucial for humans. Even today, police and firefighters have a manual on dealing with full moon energy. Crazy, right?

We can all acknowledge that sometimes full moons can leave us feeling a little antsy or ready to take action. Still, questions remain. What do you do during the full moon? How can you tap into this energy?

Release, Release, Release! 

The full moon is a great time to release (with gratitude) all that which is holding you back. You can write down a list of what you need to do and burn it in a fire. You can join the Conscious Community where each month we do a full moon clearing to release and align with our highest purpose.

Take a moon bath.

Create a beautiful and sacred ritual for yourself on the full moon. You can use herbs, pressed flowers and milk to make it a true luxurious experience. The full moon can help truly awaken our psyches...

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