Raising the Vibes Blog

Common Side Effects of Spiritual Clearing and Healing

I've created quite a few reiki/akashic healing sessions lately that I’ve posted on YouTube and people who have been doing them over 3-7 days have started to notice big shifts within their bodies.

Today we are going to talk about what is NORMAL and what is EXPECTED, because if you are starting out on this journey it might be a little bit scary and it might deter you from continuing on with your healing.

Here are a few ways your healing can present itself.

Better Out Than In!

Sometimes you might get nauseous and actually want to vomit. This is a very common way of clearing. My suggestion is to try to release if you can, allow it to leave your body with grace and love. Sometimes a release can happen in any area of your body.

You might also find that you have diarrhea or you feel you need to go to the washroom quite often. Whatever it may be, allow it to release. This is definitely a case where it’s definitely better out than in!  Don't forget to drink plenty of...

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An Interview with Stephanie Nelson

We are so excited to welcome Stepanie Nelson to our team. She is getting ready to teach her first course, Akashic Foundations: The Power Initiation July 17th and 18th 2021. Join her today!

Tell me a little bit about your journey and what got you to this point?

"It started about 27 years ago, I had my daughter and I had some really big health issues. That started my intellectual exploration of alternative modalities because it was actually a Chiropractor who helped me out first. I took quite a few years to reclaim my health. It wasn’t anything that the medical community did wrong, they just didn’t have the answers for what was presenting. It was a great catalyst for me to begin my active conscious journey.  My background was in healthcare. I was a nurse and I taught nursing and I always had great relationships with patients and I realize how with hindsight and all the knowledge I had now that I was reading everyone. I was reading what was going on. It’s made...

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