Raising the Vibes Blog

10 Reasons Why You Might Want to Work With the Akashic Records!

Why would you want to work within the Akashic Records? There are so many reasons. It can be a helpful tool on so many different levels! 


Holds Your Soul’s Blueprint!

The Akashic Record contains the blueprint for your soul. What is the blueprint of your soul? The blueprint of your soul is a map of yourself. This map displays your astrological signs, ancestry, passion, and purpose, as well as all of the contracts, deals, and agreements we have with people. It hosts every single thing you could think about pertaining to you. Having access to this will provide you with a great deal of clarity as to why your soul chose this path. 

Tap Into Your Creativity!

You can always use the records to help you tap into your creativity. For example, I frequently open the records to create a business plan and create the curriculum and workshops I want to host for Raising The Vibes (see  what’s coming up here). Use the records to help you get into that creative...

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Raise your Vibe!

Uncategorized Feb 26, 2023

What does it mean to Raise Your Vibe? 

We need to focus on improving our physical, mental, and emotional well-being to increase our overall energy levels. But what does it really mean to "raise our vibes"? Let's find out!


Work through your lower- frequency emotions

It's recommended that you don't suppress your emotions; feel them completely and then release them. Surrender and allow them to move through you. Don't hold onto them or ignore them. Move through it and let it go. If we do not work through these dramas and emotions, they act as wee anchors that hold down your frequency. 

Gratitude, Joy and Happiness

"When we experience gratitude, joy, and happiness, we attract more things to be grateful, happy, and joyful about. The same goes for negative emotions like anger, frustration, and worry. How many times has a bad start to your day set the mood for the rest of it? Fortunately, we can shift this dynamic every moment of every day. Each moment is a new...

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6 Ways to improve the health of your Crown Chakra


Hi Everyone!

Hope you have had an amazing start to 2023! 

I am going to be running a  Mastermind on the Blueprint of the Chakras.  We are going to really connect with the Akashic records, to look at your soul's blueprint of your chakras. 

I thought I would jump on and talk about 6 ways  in which you can improve the health of your Crown Chakra. 

The Crown Chakra is so important to being able to connect with all that is unseen, your spirituality, enlightenment, it is the gateway to all that is.  Watch the video here: Crown Chakra

1. Meditation 

To be quiet and go within, we do this through meditation  or sit in silence.

2. Grounding

Grounding is very important when doing any kind of spiritual work, a quick  way to remain grounded is walking barefoot or feel the ground beneath your feet. 

3. Knowledge 

A great way to improve the health of your crown chakra is to read and listen to podcasts, absorb and expand your knowledge,...

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A Channeled Message for May: Transforming into the Butterfly


As we step into this time period, it is very important to begin to understand that we have been shifting, we have been shedding a lot of the limitations of the past. This is so whether it’s been the limitations or patterns inherited on an ancestral level or that we have become conditioned on a social and economic level. The beginnings of the shift happened quite a while back and the benefits or opportunities that the pandemic brought us was really to have a look at healing and releasing a lot of limitations. 

 As we step into springtime, it really is an opportunity to rebirth and recreate our lives and our relationships and our careers so that they are in enlightenment with our highest potential. We do this by looking at what brings us joy, what excites us and we do this by doing the internal work and looking at the limitations that we have put in place whether conscious or subconscious in order to be able to expand.

It is quite important to look or to self reflect...

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A Message from Raising the Vibes from April 2022



Now is the time for change. Now is the time for new beginnings. Now is the time to let go of the old and emerge rebirthed. Reconnect to oneself. They are asking us to stop following the patterns of the past and to step in and create new patterns, new beginnings and new lives aligned with the true vibration of who we are. The true vibration of who we are is love, compassion, joy and excitement. Create a life that brings you all of these and if you are not in a life that is conducive to joy, happiness and expansion, then you are denying yourself, your true self, of what you deserve.

It’s time to release the past and release the past patterns. Release your limiting beliefs and the anchors that connect you to the traumas, the limitations and the look at things from a new perspective. Look at this through the lens of how did it serve me, how does it make me the person I am today and how will it make me the person I want to be tomorrow. Really look and dig deep into,...

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A Message From The Akashic Records for March 2022

Dear light workers,

What is a light worker?  We refer to light workers as anyone that anchors light onto this planet. Today we ask you to hold fast. To take time every day to check in. Check into your self. Do a scan of your mental, emotional and physical bodies, and then ask each aspect of yourself what do you need today? We need to support ourselves on a multi dimensional level as we are multi dimensional beings.  

The planet is shifting and we along with it. Our systems are shifting to support the expansion and the ascension of the collective consciousness. As those around us are awakening, those that are already awake are also going through a more expansive awakening and getting to know themselves on a deeper level. Our nervous system‘s are calibrating to the energetic changes of the frequencies that we are aligned with. Some of you may be feeling tired and some of you have had past traumas and suppressed emotions resurface. We suggest that you rest when you...

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A Message From The Akashic Records for February 2022

The month of February is a month we tend to focus on love as it is the month that St. Valentine is celebrated. This month and every other after that, let us focus on love and ramp it up with compassion. The best place to start, is with ourselves. Give yourself the love and compassion that you need and allow it to overflow to those around you. The last couple of years have been hard, and testing for so many. So many people suffering from pandemic burnout. This is why we need more love not less. More compassion, not less, more self awareness, not less, more self care, not less, and to be grounded, to be in our bodies. This is so we can shift through the changes of the planet, with ease and grace as we shift with her, adaption the changes in vibrational frequencies.

This year we are really being called to go even deeper within our and to discover and recognise who we are, without the limitations of the structures of society. It’s about going inwards, upwards and then onwards....

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7 Tips to Help You Surrender & Let Go

As we draw closer to the end of a year we usually tend to have a wee reflection on what this year has been like and what we would like to change. We reflect on what we would like to let go of or stop doing and what we would like to bring into the year ahead, AKA the New Years resolution. 

We could apply this process to other aspects of our lives like; relationships, friendships, jobs, etc. We tend to hold on so tight to the people, the places and the circumstances that are toxic, harmful and limiting. We rarely reflect on what we need to release and let go of in order to allow in the new. 

Here are 7 tips that will help you let go and surrender all that is anchoring you to the past so that you can step into the highest expression of who you are.  These tips will help you to stop cheating your beautiful future with your dreadful past. 

1. Feel your feelings 100%

One of the best ways to let go is to surrender and then allow yourself to...

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A Channeled Message for January 2022: You & Success

Hello and Welcome to a new year! 

We would like to bring to your awareness that you are the only one that is stopping yourself from being successful.  This past year may have helped you to release the limitations, in the people, the places and the circumstances that have kept you small. It is your time to shine and you all have wonderful gifts to share with the world, use this opportunity. Do not hold onto it. It might seem too large, and scary to step into this expansion.  Holding back your gifts is a disservice to those that need them.  You have come to this planet to help those in need of your gift. To encourage and to help people move forward in life, to be the best versions of themselves.

Don’t be afraid of success. You will be able to handle what life throws at you. Keep your intentions clear as you act from a place of love and compassion and of being of service. You can ask yourself the following questions; If I were to act, respond, or create from a...

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Christmas Gift Guide 2021

The holidays are such a special time for us all, aren't they? No matter what you celebrate, this time of the year is time for reflection, for peace, unity and community. It's also one of the times of the year where we tend to give and receive many gifts. Some end up on a shelf or are never to be seen again.  This year we recommend investing in yourself or your loved one and give them the gift that keeps giving. A gift that raises their vibration and gives them knowledge and skill that they can keep forever.  Here are a few ways that you can do this. 

21 Day Intuition Initiation 

Are you ready to reconnect with yourself? Are you looking to expand your inner awareness? Activate your intuition and learn how to use your super powers—your extra sensory spidey senses.For less than $2 a day, you will receive 21 daily videos covering a variety of topics and practical activities to develop your intuition. This course is perfect for intuitive of all...

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