Raising the Vibes Blog

Discover the Power of Healing Across Time and Space

Understanding the concept of healing across time and space


As humans, we often find ourselves seeking answers to life's mysteries. One such mystery that has fascinated mankind for centuries is the concept of healing across time and space. The idea that our past lives and parallel lives can have a profound impact on our present experiences is both intriguing and empowering. In this article, we will delve into the world of guided journeys to past lives and parallel lives, exploring the benefits they offer and how they can help us heal.


Past Lives and Reincarnation

The belief in past lives and reincarnation is a concept that has been introduced previously. Many ancient cultures and spiritual traditions embrace the idea that our souls are eternal and have lived multiple lives before. According to this belief, our past lives shape who we are today, and by exploring them, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our purpose in this lifetime.

Through guided...

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Embracing Change As We Move from One Year to the Next

As the year draws to a close and we stand at the threshold of a new beginning, there's a unique energy that surrounds us—an energy that calls us to reflect on the past and envision the future. For me, these contemplative moments happen not only at the start of the year in January but also during the celebration of my birthday. I tend to see my birthday as my personal new year! These occasions serve as powerful checkpoints for me, urging me to consciously shape the next 3, 6, or 12 months of my life.

January is the month of fresh starts and renewal. It holds a special significance in this journey of introspection. It’s a time when we consciously set intentions for the year ahead—a time to release the old and make room for the new. Interestingly, the very name "January" finds its roots in the ancient deity Janus.

Janus is depicted with two faces. This symbolises the duality of this transitional period. One face gazes into the past, offering perspective, while the...

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Five Suggestions to Support the Lunar Eclipse Energies

Did you know that we are at the end of a two-year cycle with the partial lunar eclipse and the full Moon in Taurus taking place on October 28, 2023. Eclipses signify significant periods of change and transformation. And so many of us have been experiencing the effects of this.

There are two types of eclipses; one is a solar eclipse that is similar to a new moon energy, in the way that it opens the portal for new beginnings and opportunities for making the changes we so yearn for. The other is a lunar eclipse that acts more like full moon energy in that it  helps to complete cycles that we have been working on and they are an opportunity to conclude, to let go, to shift, or to shred the limitations we have been holding onto for so long.

Lunar eclipses tend to be more dramatic as they have a big effect on our emotional bodies. These eclipses allow old subconscious patterns and limitations to surface.  They tend to convey the truths we have been ignoring in a dramatic way...

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Reiki is Needed More Than Ever...

Uncategorized May 07, 2023

    Although western medicine is incredible in many ways, at times it falls short. The physical aspects are examined, but the root cause of this disease's origin is not. When you begin working with energetic modalities, you will find that they have been practiced for more than 2000 years and are still in use today. It is done on a physical, mental, and emotional level. While natural therapies are effective as a preventative approach to health, Western medicine is available when we need to go beyond that.In an ideal world, these two medicines would complement one another. For instance, if you break your leg vi you would visit a professional in Western medicine, but a reiki practitioner would complement the natural medicine treatment because natural medicine includes not just energy medicine but also the medication we put into our food, our thinking, and our emotions. As a result, reiki is extensively practiced; more teachers and practitioners are required, and its need is...

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Why Ancestral Work is So Powerful

Why is it so important to work with the ancestral lineage? This work is extremely deep and profound. The benefits of working with your ancestral lineage are tenfold.

Gives us a sense of identity

This is why we gravitate towards family trees and one of the most important questions we ask ourselves is: “who am I” and “why am I here”. The first question is so crucial - and can provide you with a sense of understanding of who you are. Within the akashic records, we look at why you explored your lineage. Understanding who you are and why you choose the gene cocktail is one of the most important things.

Connection & Understanding

 Working with the ancestral lineage might allow you to understand why you do certain things. Those traits are actually passed down from one generation to the next, and occasionally we end up experiencing the effects of the suffering and trauma that our ancestors underwent. Connecting to them can allow us to gain insight into our...

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4 Signs You May Need Spiritual Healing

 Spiritual healing can be used in a variety of situations, despite the fact that it may seem complicated and challenging.
It can be simple to deny that we require help, and often we end up pushing ourselves too hard in our reluctance to change.

Here are some signs that you may be in need of spiritual healing:

Your life is suddenly like a rollercoaster!

Your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being all seem to be failing at the same time.
Have you ever experienced something similar?

When everything seems to be going wrong at once, it can be the universe nudging you to change your course and put more attention on yourself.
This could essentially lead to a crisis of spiritual awakening or healing.
This may occasionally even appear as a little mishap to force you to change course.
This will frequently reveal things that you have not wanted to see!

You have a sudden strong interest in spiritual topics.  

Are you suddenly four or five hours deep into a deep metaphysical...

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10 Reasons Why You Might Want to Work With the Akashic Records!

Why would you want to work within the Akashic Records? There are so many reasons. It can be a helpful tool on so many different levels! 


Holds Your Soul’s Blueprint!

The Akashic Record contains the blueprint for your soul. What is the blueprint of your soul? The blueprint of your soul is a map of yourself. This map displays your astrological signs, ancestry, passion, and purpose, as well as all of the contracts, deals, and agreements we have with people. It hosts every single thing you could think about pertaining to you. Having access to this will provide you with a great deal of clarity as to why your soul chose this path. 

Tap Into Your Creativity!

You can always use the records to help you tap into your creativity. For example, I frequently open the records to create a business plan and create the curriculum and workshops I want to host for Raising The Vibes (see  what’s coming up here). Use the records to help you get into that creative...

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Raise your Vibe!

Uncategorized Feb 26, 2023

What does it mean to Raise Your Vibe? 

We need to focus on improving our physical, mental, and emotional well-being to increase our overall energy levels. But what does it really mean to "raise our vibes"? Let's find out!


Work through your lower- frequency emotions

It's recommended that you don't suppress your emotions; feel them completely and then release them. Surrender and allow them to move through you. Don't hold onto them or ignore them. Move through it and let it go. If we do not work through these dramas and emotions, they act as wee anchors that hold down your frequency. 

Gratitude, Joy and Happiness

"When we experience gratitude, joy, and happiness, we attract more things to be grateful, happy, and joyful about. The same goes for negative emotions like anger, frustration, and worry. How many times has a bad start to your day set the mood for the rest of it? Fortunately, we can shift this dynamic every moment of every day. Each moment is a new...

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6 Ways to improve the health of your Crown Chakra


Hi Everyone!

Hope you have had an amazing start to 2023! 

I am going to be running a  Mastermind on the Blueprint of the Chakras.  We are going to really connect with the Akashic records, to look at your soul's blueprint of your chakras. 

I thought I would jump on and talk about 6 ways  in which you can improve the health of your Crown Chakra. 

The Crown Chakra is so important to being able to connect with all that is unseen, your spirituality, enlightenment, it is the gateway to all that is.  Watch the video here: Crown Chakra

1. Meditation 

To be quiet and go within, we do this through meditation  or sit in silence.

2. Grounding

Grounding is very important when doing any kind of spiritual work, a quick  way to remain grounded is walking barefoot or feel the ground beneath your feet. 

3. Knowledge 

A great way to improve the health of your crown chakra is to read and listen to podcasts, absorb and expand your knowledge,...

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A Channeled Message for May: Transforming into the Butterfly


As we step into this time period, it is very important to begin to understand that we have been shifting, we have been shedding a lot of the limitations of the past. This is so whether it’s been the limitations or patterns inherited on an ancestral level or that we have become conditioned on a social and economic level. The beginnings of the shift happened quite a while back and the benefits or opportunities that the pandemic brought us was really to have a look at healing and releasing a lot of limitations. 

 As we step into springtime, it really is an opportunity to rebirth and recreate our lives and our relationships and our careers so that they are in enlightenment with our highest potential. We do this by looking at what brings us joy, what excites us and we do this by doing the internal work and looking at the limitations that we have put in place whether conscious or subconscious in order to be able to expand.

It is quite important to look or to self reflect...

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