Raising the Vibes Blog

A Channeled Message for January 2022: You & Success

Hello and Welcome to a new year! 

We would like to bring to your awareness that you are the only one that is stopping yourself from being successful.  This past year may have helped you to release the limitations, in the people, the places and the circumstances that have kept you small. It is your time to shine and you all have wonderful gifts to share with the world, use this opportunity. Do not hold onto it. It might seem too large, and scary to step into this expansion.  Holding back your gifts is a disservice to those that need them.  You have come to this planet to help those in need of your gift. To encourage and to help people move forward in life, to be the best versions of themselves.

Don’t be afraid of success. You will be able to handle what life throws at you. Keep your intentions clear as you act from a place of love and compassion and of being of service. You can ask yourself the following questions; If I were to act, respond, or create from a...

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Christmas Gift Guide 2021

The holidays are such a special time for us all, aren't they? No matter what you celebrate, this time of the year is time for reflection, for peace, unity and community. It's also one of the times of the year where we tend to give and receive many gifts. Some end up on a shelf or are never to be seen again.  This year we recommend investing in yourself or your loved one and give them the gift that keeps giving. A gift that raises their vibration and gives them knowledge and skill that they can keep forever.  Here are a few ways that you can do this. 

21 Day Intuition Initiation 

Are you ready to reconnect with yourself? Are you looking to expand your inner awareness? Activate your intuition and learn how to use your super powers—your extra sensory spidey senses.For less than $2 a day, you will receive 21 daily videos covering a variety of topics and practical activities to develop your intuition. This course is perfect for intuitive of all...

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Joy & Wonder, Peace & Miracles: A Message for December

This month we look at the aspect of joy and wonder, faith, peace and miracles.

As the feeling of excitement fills the air and the ability to manifest for self and others becomes a priority, so does the feeling of peace, love and compassion become remembered and heightened. This is the time to celebrate the ascended master Jesus Christ and the reasons he incarnated. We remind you that he exemplified unconditional love and compassion for all. He also came to show us that we, the healers of the world, can heal ourselves and that we too are sovereign beings.

When we live in a space of giving, we are also open to being in a space of receiving. The one thing that most do not recognize as being an innate gift, is breathing. One breath in and one breath out is an example of giving and receiving. One breath activates as an action, and exhalation activates a reaction. Every breath is a new beginning, every action a new reaction. This is life.

Most importantly, this session reminds us that...

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How to Harness Full Moon Energy 🌝

Ahhh, the full moon. This potent energy comes up every month for us to work with. The moon and her cycles has long been crucial for humans. Even today, police and firefighters have a manual on dealing with full moon energy. Crazy, right?

We can all acknowledge that sometimes full moons can leave us feeling a little antsy or ready to take action. Still, questions remain. What do you do during the full moon? How can you tap into this energy?

Release, Release, Release! 

The full moon is a great time to release (with gratitude) all that which is holding you back. You can write down a list of what you need to do and burn it in a fire. You can join the Conscious Community where each month we do a full moon clearing to release and align with our highest purpose.

Take a moon bath.

Create a beautiful and sacred ritual for yourself on the full moon. You can use herbs, pressed flowers and milk to make it a true luxurious experience. The full moon can help truly awaken our psyches...

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A Message for November Regarding Karma

This month we are looking at karma as a way of cause and effect as we move through these times of change and expansion. Many things are being surfaced in order to be healed, transmuted or expanded on. 

We would like to remind you of the law  of karma in terms of cause-and-effect and in terms of patterns. Each individual creates their own destiny by their thoughts, words and deeds. Many  patterns are being repeated at these times. This is because as a collective we have the need to move past these to expand ourselves. These are the patterns of segregation, separation, discrimination, judgement and control. The pendulum has most certainly been moving and swinging to the outer edge of the most extremes. This needs to happen as it’s only from the place of hitting “rock-bottom” as you call it, or where that low level of discomfort exists, where the pain triggers awareness and gives rise to the need for change. 

We would also like to remind you that...

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Common Side Effects of Spiritual Clearing and Healing

I've created quite a few reiki/akashic healing sessions lately that I’ve posted on YouTube and people who have been doing them over 3-7 days have started to notice big shifts within their bodies.

Today we are going to talk about what is NORMAL and what is EXPECTED, because if you are starting out on this journey it might be a little bit scary and it might deter you from continuing on with your healing.

Here are a few ways your healing can present itself.

Better Out Than In!

Sometimes you might get nauseous and actually want to vomit. This is a very common way of clearing. My suggestion is to try to release if you can, allow it to leave your body with grace and love. Sometimes a release can happen in any area of your body.

You might also find that you have diarrhea or you feel you need to go to the washroom quite often. Whatever it may be, allow it to release. This is definitely a case where it’s definitely better out than in!  Don't forget to drink plenty of...

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A Message from Emmanuel Regarding October 2021


The blueprints of realities are being written as we speak. They are being written with every choice and every decision that we make and don’t make.

Times are changing, and as a collective we have asked for these times. As a collective, WE have all asked for these changes. Therefore, we are always responsible for everything that is playing out in our reality. Change is required.  The ‘normal’ we are all trying to get to, was toxic, is toxic, and it no longer exists in this current plain of reality.  This ‘normal’ you want to get back to, is the same as a toxic relationship that one has endured for way too long. The abusive relationship that keeps you small and stuck, scared, unhappy, limiting and powerless. 

Now is the time to welcome change. Change for the better world. Change for a better life. Change for conscious expansion.

So many have lost their way and these times of uncertainty are bringing us back to...

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5 Easy Tips for Effortless Manifesting!

Manifesting. It's the buzz word of the century!  As we start to understand more about how manifesting, like everything else, is frequency and vibration. We attract what we vibrate at. We are literally human magnets, constantly attracting towards us what we put out with our thoughts, emotions and our actions.  It then makes sense that we are constantly magnetizing all the people, the places, the circumstances and the opportunities towards us. We need to be really conscious of the quality of what we are calling forward as we are constantly manifesting the world around us. Manifesting is not only for money, it's also about the people and the relationships in your life, and your business. 

Here are 5 easy tips for manifestation:

  1. Clear the clutter!

It's extremely difficult to manifest from a place of clutter - both mentally and physically. For all of you feng shui enthusiasts, you will know that clutter stagnates the energy and does not allow for the flow of energy. We...

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An Interview with Natasha Mott

Today we are so excited to interview Natasha Mott. Natasha is the creator of Raising the Vibes Metaphysical Academy of Consciousness. Join us as learn a little bit about Natasha, her journey and what makes her really excited. 

Tell me a little bit about your spiritual journey? What got you to this point?

Natasha: I’ll try to keep it short and sweet. I was born into a family of 5th generation spiritualty and spiritual teachers. My grandfather had this underground school and worked with spirit in many different ways. I grew up in this family where it was all welcomed and encouraged and expanded on. 

I never thought I could make a living doing this and helping others with my spirituality. My first job was working for working for an import-export company, where we did a lot of exports and it was quite technical at that sense. My dream was to travel. I have such a curiosity for culture and belief systems. I always knew that what people believed in determined their...

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September 2021: Expectations and Balance

This month is a month of balance and justice and we cannot talk about this without looking at expectations. Expectations of self and the expectations of others as well as the expectations for others. You see, when many people do some thing they do it with an expectation of a certain action or a reward or a reaction. And yes that has been the way of the past, And as we evolve as a species it starts to become less about expectation to balance out the action and more of an action as a result of being of service.
This is the reason why we need to release. The expectation is because sometimes the balance of the action does not come back in a way that we expect. It is returned by another person, at another time, or at another place. This is why we are being called to be of service without the expectation of a return In one way or another. This will happen naturally as it is universal law.
We ask that when you act you act in a way that is from the heart and without...
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