Raising the Vibes Blog

June 2021 Discernment to Zero Point

akashic records Jun 03, 2021
Dear Academy of consciousness members,
This month we want to talk about discernment.  We all have this built in guidance system to observe, evaluate and decide what is important to guide us towards enrichment.   Which leads into, do you think for yourself?   Do you check in and see if those things, that decision, the selected path are all in alignment before saying yes.  The days of 'I didn't know' are no more. There is so much information out there, however, we need to ultimately check in with ourselves and see what resonates within.  What resonates for one person will not resonate with all.  No judgement.
With duality being displayed and highlighted at this time, we wanted to remind you to find the zero point. The place of neutral, the place of everything and nothing, and thus we experience All. We are one with all, as all possibilities exist at all times. When faced with a new reality we need to do what’s in alignment...
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May 2021 The Power of Sound!

akashic records May 02, 2021

A Channeled message from Emmanuel

In the month of May we look at the power and the vibration of sound and its importance. We ask that you take note of the sound of your voice and the sound of your chosen words.  Sounds creates.  It is so powerful - sound created the Universe.  Take a moment to let that sink in. 

You are constantly creating your world with the sounds of our voice and the words that you use. And remember, every sound has its counterpart. Just as sound can create anything, it can also destroy it. You are constantly creating and destroying with vibrational frequency of the words you use.  You can build someone up or cut them down with the frequency and the sound of your words. Pay attention and become conscious when choosing your words. Speak your truth, use your words in a way that you are heard and understood.  Speak your words from a place of love. Remember, sound has no barrier and works its way through any material including the...

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April 2021 Remember Who You Are!

akashic records Apr 01, 2021

A channeled message from the Akashic Records and Natasha Mott’s guide, Emmanuel.

In April we remember who we are!

We have forgotten how infinite we all are and the potential we carry within us.

We think we are hopeless, controlled and suppressed.  When we think limiting beliefs, it becomes the outcome. Our inner world becomes our outer world.  What we think, we create. Let’s start thinking like we are the infinite beings that we are. Let’s start behaving and doing things as if we were infinite.

We come from the stars, and our body is borrowed to us by the earth. We are here temporarily, and it is such a short time.  Every day, passing us by, faster every day, every year.  Though, remember, time is not linear. We can savor and slow down time by simply  being present.  Be present while brushing your teeth, or savoring every bite of food. Linger longer watching the leaves blow in...

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March 2021 message from the Akashic Records

akashic records Mar 01, 2021

A channeled message from the Akashic Records and Natasha Mott’s guide, Emmanuel.

In March we look at adaptability and change.

As you begin to realize that there is no going back, no return to the “normal” you once knew, we ask that you choose change. This is an opportunity to adapt and to create the ideal life you wish to live. Choose change and create a new foundation for life and business. 

Change is inevitable. Nothing stands still and what you resist will persist. The best way to get ahead of this is to choose change. We ask that you let go of all conformity that kept you restricted from truly expressing and expanding yourself.  

Over the last year, you would have experienced changes within your physical bodies and the shifts on a soul level. The ever-changing needs within your businesses or jobs with the demands of the markets, staff, clients and suppliers, as well as your family, friends and relationships have been preparing you to become more...

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February 2021 message from the Akashic Records

akashic records Feb 01, 2021

A channeled message from the Akashic Records and Natasha Mott’s guide, Emmanuel.

Welcome to the month of February. This is the month of love and this year we focus on love for self and making conscious connections. 

Never has humanity been so “tech” connected and so disconnected from yourselves and each other. I am talking about real, meaningful, conscious connections. This is becoming more and more important as you shift into an ascended timeline.

We ask that you create a daily connection practice. Connecting to your body by being in your body and understanding what it needs: improved nutrition, sleep, rest, movement and so on. Slowing down for a moment to connect, become conscious of your thoughts, your words and your actions. Slowing down to integrate the changes and expand your awareness and therefore speeding up the progress of your ascension. 

Create a practice to connect with your higher self. Asking yourself the question, “Who am I as the...

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January 2021 message from the Akashic Records

akashic records Jan 02, 2021

Here is a special message from the Akashic Records, from Natasha Mott's guide, Emmanuel.

As you step into the year 2021, we ask that you take some time to reflect on how you have shifted over the past year. How much better do you know yourself? How have you expanded as a partner, a sibling, a child, a parent, and as someone to work with or for? Has much changed in the way you think, in the way you live and in the way you want to live?

2021 brings with it the opportunity of change and rebirth, and the opportunity to reflect on all the foundations and structures of your life and of society. The rebirth has given us the opportunity to start living the best life possible.

Humans have desired change for so many decades. Change can only happen if you are the change. One must make changes to their habits and patterns of the previous years. One cannot continue to behave in the same manner and expect different outcomes. One cannot do nothing and expect different results. It’s...

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Timelines Explained in The Octopus Methodologyā„¢

I woke up at 3:00 AM in a cold sweat mid-August 2018 thinking “Holy Crap”, if time isn't linear and everything is happening all at once, have I been B.S.ing my clients with what I have been seeing in their Akashic Records? Worse still was the second thought that hit me: “Am I going mad? Has all the information I received from the Records all been in my mind?”
As you can imagine, as a frequent visitor to the Akashic Records I spend a lot of time in the past and, sometimes, the future. The Akashic Records, or the Spiritual Google as I like to refer to it, are as vast and as wide as the cosmos. My understanding is that past, present, and future, (as they relate to this lifetime) are all happening at once. Like a movie on DVD has a beginning, middle, and end, so too are the different aspects of this incarnation.
I was doing some work with my friend David Khan on discovering and working with parallel lives based on the work of E. J. Gold. I...
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